Gate 27, farklı pratiklerin araştırma ve üretim süreçlerini desteklemek ve disiplinlerarası etkileşime zemin yaratmak amacıyla 2019’da kurulmuş bir uluslararası konuk sanatçı programıdır.
On May 10, Damla Yalçın will be a guest of Vildan Altun Seylan‘s lecture “The Possibilities of Biomaterials in Art and Design” at Mimar Sinan University’s Department of Textile and Fashion Design.
The artist realized the Living Spaces installation with an interdisciplinary approach, combining painting, textiles, and bio-art as part of the ORTA Bluesky Program, which was organized in partnership with Gate 27 and denim fabric manufacturer ORTA. The installation establishes a dialog between human and non-human elements through SCOBY, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression beyond traditional mediums.
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