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Gate 27, farklı pratiklerin araştırma ve üretim süreçlerini desteklemek ve disiplinlerarası etkileşime zemin yaratmak amacıyla 2019’da kurulmuş bir uluslararası konuk sanatçı programıdır.


Ece Bayram

Yeniköy, November 2021

Ece Bayram completed her undergraduate degree in Goldsmiths, University of London. Her sculptures bring together familiar objects in unfamiliar scenarios. The initial purpose of familiar objects are disrupted with subtle manipulations to transform them into materials and to allow new subjective narratives to be created around them. Within these sculptures, architectural elements and familiar objects come together to create fictive spaces, in which they humorously play with push and pull of desire, the interchange of real images and constructed images, the pristine and the abject.
