Gate 27, farklı pratiklerin araştırma ve üretim süreçlerini desteklemek ve disiplinlerarası etkileşime zemin yaratmak amacıyla 2019’da kurulmuş bir uluslararası konuk sanatçı programıdır.
Working as a critic, curator, and founder and director of many contemporary art institutions since 1980, Beral Madra founded and directed Gallery BM (1984-1990) and BM Contemporary Art Centre (1990), and worked as a partner and the artistic director of BM Suma and Kuad Gallery (2005-2016). Among the important international exhibitions she has curated are the 1st and 2nd Istanbul Biennales; the Pavilion of Turkey in the 43rd, 45th, 49th, 50th, and 51st Venice Biennales; the Central Asia Pavilion in the 53rd Venice Biennale; the Azerbaijan Pavilion in the 54th Venice Biennale; the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sinopale; and the 3rd, 4th and 5th Çanakkale Biennials.
Holding the position of director of the Istanbul Scholarship of Berlin Senate (1995 – 2013), and founder of the Art Management Department of the Yıldız Technical University Art and Design School (1998 – 2002), Beral Madra has worked with national and international artists in more than 500 exhibitions in various institutions and public spaces in Turkey and abroad since 1984. Publications of Beral Madra, who is also the founder of International Art Critics Association (AICA) Turkey (2003), consist of “Identity of Contemporary Art” (1987); “Post-peripheral Flux-A Decade of Contemporary Art in Istanbul” (1996); “İki Yılda Bir Sanat (Essays on Biennale)” (2003); “Neighbors in Dialogue” (2005); “Maidan – Essays on Contemporary Art in the South Caucasus and the Middle East”, (2007); and “Home Affairs, Essays on Contemporary Art in Turkey”, (2009).
1980’den bu yana küratör, sanat eleştirmeni ve çok sayıda güncel sanat oluşumunun kurucusu ve yöneticisi olarak çalışan Beral Madra, Galeri BM (1984-1990) ile BM Çağdaş Sanat Merkezi’nin (1990) kurucusu ve yöneticisi; BM Suma ve Kuad Galeri’nin ise ortağı ve sanat yönetmeni (2005-2016) olarak görev aldı. Küratörlüğünü üstlendiği önemli uluslararası sergiler arasında 1. ve 2. İstanbul Bienalleri; 43., 45., 49., 50. ve 51. Venedik Bienalleri Türkiye Pavyonu; 53. Venedik Bienali Orta Asya Pavyonu, 54. Venedik Bienali Azerbaycan Pavyonu, 1., 2., 3. ve 4. Sinopale sergileri ile 3., 4. ve 5. Çanakkale Bienalleri bulunmaktadır.
Berlin Senatosu İstanbul Bursu’nun yöneticisi (1995-2013) ve Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi Sanat Yönetimi Bölümü’nün kurucusu (1998-2002) olarak çalışan Madra, 1984’ten bu yana Türkiye ve yurtdışındaki pek çok kurum ve kamusal alandaki yaklaşık 500 sergide yerli ve uluslararası sanatçılarla çalıştı. Uluslararası Sanat Eleştirmenleri Derneği’nin (AICA) Türkiye şubesinin de kurucusu (2003) olan Madra’nın yayınları arasında “Çağdaş Sanatın Kimliği” (1987), “Post-peripheral Flux-A Decade of Contemporary Art in Istanbul” (1996); “İki Yılda Bir Sanat” (2003); “Neighbours in Dialogue” (2005); “Maidan – Essays on Contemporary Art in South Caucasus and Middle East” (2007), “Home Affairs – Essays on Contemporary Art in Turkey” (2009) bulunmaktadır.
Working as a critic, curator, and founder and director of many contemporary art institutions since 1980, Beral Madra founded and directed Gallery BM (1984-1990) and BM Contemporary Art Centre (1990), and worked as a partner and the artistic director of BM Suma and Kuad Gallery (2005-2016). Among the important international exhibitions she has curated are the 1st and 2nd Istanbul Biennales; the Pavilion of Turkey in the 43rd, 45th, 49th, 50th, and 51st Venice Biennales; the Central Asia Pavilion in the 53rd Venice Biennale; the Azerbaijan Pavilion in the 54th Venice Biennale; the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sinopale; and the 3rd, 4th and 5th Çanakkale Biennials.
Holding the position of director of the Istanbul Scholarship of Berlin Senate (1995 – 2013), and founder of the Art Management Department of the Yıldız Technical University Art and Design School (1998 – 2002), Beral Madra has worked with national and international artists in more than 500 exhibitions in various institutions and public spaces in Turkey and abroad since 1984. Publications of Beral Madra, who is also the founder of International Art Critics Association (AICA) Turkey (2003), consist of “Identity of Contemporary Art” (1987); “Post-peripheral Flux-A Decade of Contemporary Art in Istanbul” (1996); “İki Yılda Bir Sanat (Essays on Biennale)” (2003); “Neighbors in Dialogue” (2005); “Maidan – Essays on Contemporary Art in the South Caucasus and the Middle East”, (2007); and “Home Affairs, Essays on Contemporary Art in Turkey”, (2009).
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